简介:At Christine's funeral, her foster son suddenly shows up, a grown-up man with whom the family has been out of contact for quite some time. He brought a letter, stating that Christine wants to be buried in Wentelen, to the bewilderment of her biological children, and even more so to that of her husband. In addition to that, all the relatives are surprised that the foster son of Christine apparently maintained a correspondence with Christine. Nevertheless, Christine's last wish is respected, and they decided to bury her in Wentelen, and wish to do so traditionally, meaning walking behind the hearse. During a walk of several days, all the relatives (foster sisters, foster father, alleged friends and real ones, the foster son, lovers) have enough time to get to know each other better. Because in the end they have no other conclusion than that nobody really knew anyone. Old intrigues are dug up, the foster sisters finally learn why the foster brother just disappeared from the family, and they can begin to develop a real image of the mother. Once Christine's final resting place is reached and she is buried, all family ties, good and bad, are shaken around.
主演:Mikhail Porechenkov Andrey Fyedorco
简介:“动乱时代”特指1598年俄罗斯统治家族绝嗣之後的一段长期动荡。由于正统王室後继无人,俄罗斯农民落入外国势力之下,瑞典、立陶宛、德国和波兰的占领者纷至沓来。1612年, 这时正值所谓的“动乱时代”的末期,勇敢的俄罗斯人把占据克里姆林宫几个月的波兰人赶了出去。1613年罗曼诺夫王朝的开始标志着这一时代的结束。
简介: Júlio César stands on the ledge of a 20-story building poised to jump when he's suddenly joined by a mysterious, disheveled stranger, a "dreamseller," whose mission is to convince people to love life. A philosophical dialogue follows as the stranger talks Julio down from the ledge and invites him to become a dreamseller. At first Júlio views the journey as a "sociological experiment," but he soon begins to believe. Others join, and the "band of misfits" under the tutelage of the dreamseller visit sites as diverse as a retirement home and a funeral, delivering a lesson each place. The dreamseller points out the madness in modern society and invites others to embrace his ideals. As his influence grows, detractors emerge, but he has an answer for everyone, until Megasoft, the corporate monolith and a favorite target of the dreamseller, forces him into a corner.
简介:米奇(布莱恩·邦赛尔 Brian Bonsall 饰)是一个天真烂漫的男孩,他的双亲在很早的时候就永远的离开了他,这么多年来,米奇一直辗转在一个又一个寄养家庭之中。奇怪的是,凡是收养了米奇的家庭,无一例外的都会在不久之后遇到意外,没有任何人怀疑这些意外和米奇有什么关系,因为他年仅9岁。 这一次,米奇又来到了一个新的寄养家庭之中,在这里,他邂逅了名叫杰西(朱茜·比赛特 Josie Bissett 饰)的大姐姐,米奇非常喜欢漂亮温柔的杰西,然而杰西只拿他当成是小弟弟来相处,不仅如此,杰西在学校里也已经有男朋友了。某日,杰西的男朋友在浴室中意外触电而死,紧接着,米奇的养母、养父和老师都遭遇了生命危险。
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