主演:阿比盖尔·布雷斯林 苏菲亚·威希涅瓦 卡梅隆·迪亚兹 希瑟·沃奎斯特
简介:为了让罹患血癌的凯特(苏菲亚·威希涅瓦 Sofia Vassilieva 饰)能够活下去,父母通过基因技术“制造”了与凯特的基因完美配型的小女儿——安娜(阿比吉尔·布莱斯林 Abigail Breslin 饰)。安娜感觉自己只是姐姐凯特的“药罐子”,11年来,凡是在凯特有需要的时候,无论是脐带血还是白血球、肝细胞、骨髓,她都得源源不断的向凯特提供。然而,即使有孤注一掷的妈妈(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 饰)、无可奈何的爸爸,以及身边所有人的爱,凯特的情况还是越来越糟,肾功能的衰竭必须要年仅11岁的安娜捐献出自己的一个肾。这一次,安娜选择了拒绝,并且寻找到律师坎贝尔把母亲告上法庭,她要捍卫自己的身体。然而,法庭上哥哥杰西却吐露了另一番真相…… 本片根据美国当代畅销书女王朱迪·皮考特(Jodi Picoult)的同名小说改编。
主演:Daniel Cockburn Rachel Lee Eddie Or
导演:Harley Hefford Evan J. Martin
简介:It is Friday night and five friends gather at a house in rural Australia. Their parents are out of town and it is time to celebrate the end of another school week. No big deal; just a few drinks, a few laughs. As the night grows later, the teens reach a state of alcohol-induced openness. They reveal secrets, crushes and an unintentionally cruel streak. The final year of high school can be paradoxical. Having found some passions and close friends, you often begin to understand your own identity for the first time. And yet, still so young, you can't deny that you've so much to learn about yourself and the world. Maybe, despite thirteen straight years of schooling, you kind of don't know anything. A tribute to an awkward phase that we have all made it through and have powerful memories of, About An Age is a nostalgic coming-of-age film. With charm and authenticity, it examines themes of responsibility, first love and the passing of time via one single evening shared by a group of playful mates.
举报热线:0991-3532125 涉未成年人举报电话:0991-3532125
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