主演:迪克·鲍威尔 Dick Powell 克莱尔·特雷弗 Claire T
简介:马洛(迪克·鲍威尔 Dick Powell 饰)是一名独来独往的私家侦探,某日,马里特(Douglas Walton 饰)找到了马洛聘他当自己的保镖,结果马洛却莫名其妙的挨了一顿打。之后,一个叫安(安妮·雪莉 Anne Shirley 饰)的女孩现身,她告诉马洛,他所遭遇的一切和她的继母格雷尔夫人及其所拥有的翡翠有着千丝万缕的关联。对翡翠深感好奇的马洛决定将这一连串的事件调查个水落石出。 在安的协助下,马洛对事件的全貌渐渐的有了了解,而隐藏在背后的,是安的父亲(迈尔斯·曼德 Miles Mander 饰)。不仅如此,不久之前,马洛受雇寻找一个名叫维尔马的女子的下落,这名女子竟然也被牵连进了翡翠的案件之中。
主演:弗雷德里克·马奇 伊夫琳·维纳布尔 盖伊·斯坦丁 凯瑟琳·亚历山大 吉
简介:Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me; the carriage held but just ourselves and immortality” – Emily Dickinson If Death took a holiday, the guns would go silent in Iraq, the slaughter on our nation’s highways would cease, and the news media would be compelled to cover positive events in the humanities, arts, and sciences. Unfortunately, Death has not had a vacation in recorded history, but Mitchell Leisen’s 1934 fantasy, Death Takes a Holiday, allows us to consider the possibility. Co-written by Maxwell Anderson and Gladys Lehman and based on the play La Morte in Vacanza by Alberto Casella, Death Takes a Holiday stars Frederic March as the Grim Reaper who takes on human form in an attempt to discover why men fear him so much. Why he has waited 5,000 years to satisfy this curiosity is not explained. [Spoiler] After a brief tryout as a shadowy figure who scares the daylights out of those that cross his path, Death shows up at, of all places, an upscale party at an Italian villa, posing as the mysterious Prince Sirki. Only one person knows who he really is, the host Duke Lambert (Guy Standing), and he is sworn to secrecy. Sirki proceeds to fascinate the guests. Given to bursts of wit and poetry, he can just as quickly turn sullen and threatening, and some soon find out that it is better not to look too deeply into his eyes. During the three days in which the Prince is at the villa, however, people all over the world miraculously escape death and potential suicides are doomed to frustration. To see what’s behind all the conversation about love, the suave but naïve Prince Sirki falls for the irresistible Grazia (Evelyn Venable), the daughter of one of Duke’s friends. Grazia knows who Death is but does not fear him, much to the chagrin of her fiancé, Corrado (Kent Taylor) who has developed a strong disdain for Prince Charming. More sinister than Brad Pitt in the 1998 remake Meet Joe Black, March turns in a very convincing performance as the creepy yet strangely appealing guest. Although the ending is melodramatic, the emotions are very real and the suggestion that Death may in reality be a friend disguised as a foe is quite touching. (Howard Schumann, talkingpix.co.uk) In this wearisome and predictable plot line, Death falls in love and bores us to death talking about it. (Dennis Schwartz, homepages.sover.net) I've heard DRACULA was advertised with the tag line The Weirdest Love Story ever told! (this is probably a paraphrase), but at heart, I've never felt that you could honestly call that movie a love story. The tag line would be much more appropriate for this one, since it ultimately boils down to what amounts to a love story. This movie is very good indeed, particularly if you consider that it is built around a concept that could have easily been handled in a cute or facile manner. Instead, it is handled as seriously as possible, with some real thought put into how death would try to come to terms with a life and an outlook that was to that point totally unfamiliar to him; much of the credit does go to Fredric March in the title role. It's quite scary when it needs to be, particularly during the first twenty minutes. From then on, it deals with its themes with subtlety, a quiet wit, an enduring sadness, and an everpresent tension on how Death might react if crossed. It's not perfect; some of the dialogue is self-conscious and artificial, as if the writers knew they were dealing with weighty issues and were trying to be profound. But I am certainly glad they didn't try to turn it into a musical comedy of sorts. (Dave Sindelar, scifilm.org) See also the remake Death Takes A Holiday (1971)
主演:马修·凯文·安德森 Rohain Arora Abraham Asto
简介:Hardin portrays romance novelist Emilia, described as a whirlwind who blows back into the lives of her adult children, Taylor (McNamara) and Zach (Lloyd-Jones), under the pretense of a book signing arranged by her hometown's local book shop. As Emilia tries to reconnect, Taylor and Zach explore new and past relationships through an app that boasts old-fashioned human connection by way of the classified ad. Zach is given a chance to heal old wounds while Taylor matches with a woman that changes the way she's always thought about love. This is such a fun story from writer Lynn Sternberger, that is ultimately a story of love, family, and commitment in all its forms. With a cast that includes Melora Hardin, Arienne Mandi, Katherine McNamara, and Max Lloyd-Jones to help bring this movie to life will no doubt put a smile on the faces of our viewers this spring, said Lisa Hamilton Daly, EVP Programming Crown Media Family Networks. The movie is being produced by Neal Dodson, with Stacey Harding directing from a script by Sternberger.
主演:乔纳森·本内特 克里斯汀·卡瓦拉瑞 Jerry Shea Nestor
简介:一向以搞怪鬼马著称的范·怀尔德(乔纳森·本内特 Jonathan Bennett 饰)刚刚告别高中时代,步入大学。然而他所就读的大学可不简单,怀尔德祖辈几代人都曾在这所军校进修并创下了属于怀尔德家族的光荣,学校不仅军规森严,禁止一切舞会活动,更不巧的是,军校校长还曾是怀尔德父亲学生时代的死对头,一心想把当年的旧帐算到怀尔德头上。显然,一边要在这严肃的气氛下完成学业,一边要对抗校长和一群跟班的刁难,还要承袭怀尔德家族荣誉,这对天生好动的怀尔德可要废点功力。怀尔德开始与室友法利一起,用尽各种搞怪招式,试图一点点地改造校园的气氛,释放不羁的青春…… 本片为《留级之王》系列喜剧的第三部。
简介:克劳迪奥(安东尼·爱德华兹 Anthony Edwards 饰)和希罗(伊芙·贝斯特 Eve Best 饰)是一对感情十分要好的情侣,克劳迪奥决定向希罗求婚,希望希罗的父亲能够接受自己作为他的女婿。然而,这一对璧人,在阿拉贡亲王的弟弟约翰眼中,宛如荆棘一般的扎眼,在嫉妒心的驱使之下,他捏造了关于希罗的谎言,令克劳迪奥误认为希罗是一名放荡的女子。怒火攻心的克劳迪奥当面羞辱了希罗。 神父知道这一切的背后有小人作祟,于是向希罗献上一计,希罗通过假死的方法最终令约翰的暴露了自己的阴谋诡计,她身上的冤屈得以洗清。而克劳迪奥亦发现自己从最开始就错怪了自己的爱人,两人重修旧好,比从前更加恩爱。
主演:厄拉·亚科布松 伊娃·达尔贝克 哈里特·安德森 玛吉特·卡尔奎斯特 古
简介:艾格曼(甘纳尔·布耶恩施特兰德 Gunnar Björnstrand 饰)是一位事业有成的律师,这一天,他带着妻子安妮(厄拉·亚科布松 Ulla Jacobsson 饰)去看一场演出,意外的遇见了自己曾经的恋人黛西瑞(伊娃·达尔贝克 Eva Dahlbeck 饰),艾格曼私下里找到了黛西瑞,想要叙叙旧,可是如今的黛西瑞已经是伯爵马尔科姆(凯尔·库勒 Jarl Kulle 饰)的人了,艾格曼的突然出现并没有令她感到有丝毫的高兴。 艾格曼的儿子亨瑞克(比杨·比杰弗文斯塔姆 Björn Bjelfvenstam 饰)是一个发誓要潜心研究神学的男人,但家里的女佣却总是对他抛媚眼,打扰他的钻研,与此同时,他亦发现自己的目光总是若有若无的被年轻的继母安妮所吸引。
主演:阿谢尔·埃特塞安迪亚 玛丽安·阿尔瓦雷斯 乌戈·席尔瓦 埃托尔·卢纳
简介:★根据西班牙畅销图像小说改编,揭开西班牙内战史上最黑暗的一页! ★极限追击,绝无冷场,他一个人面对整个国家的血腥猎杀! 时值西班牙佛朗哥将军独裁政权,一组革命军游击队欲进行破坏任务,并藉此推翻独裁政府,不料行动出了差错,游击队队长安赛默因爆炸永久失去了听力。面对政府军的地毯式搜索和追杀,安赛默必须躲避致命的追击,并营救遭俘虏刑求的同志,一场保命与救援的无声战争即将展开…
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