主演:马丁·劳伦斯 斯蒂夫·扎恩 科鲁姆·费奥瑞 比尔·杜克 埃里克·罗伯茨
简介:尽管厄尔(马丁·劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)身强体壮孔武有力,但暴躁的性格和简单的头脑让他离做个好警察的目标越来越远,在又一次闯下大祸之后,他成为了一名小保安。一次交通检查中,厄尔遇见了警察汉克(史蒂夫·茨恩 Steve Zahn 饰),脾性迥异的两人为了一点小事大打出手,导致汉克更因为厄尔的小小手段丢掉了工作也成为了一名保安。厄尔怎么也不会想到的是,正是他的手段让汉克成为了自己的同事,他们不仅在一座大厦里工作,甚至被编排在了一起做了搭档,充满了争吵的生活可想而知。 偶然中,厄尔和汉克发现了一个牵连到警方高层的特大走私团伙,秉着善良和正义的本性,两人决定不顾上级压力,誓要将真相查个水落石出,而在此过程中,威胁和危险不断的向两人靠近着。
主演:杰瑞·G·安格罗 保罗·罗根 小伊萨克·C.辛格尔顿 Victoria
简介:Rusty Wittenburg is a Navy SEAL struggling to balance his family life and his job. He fights daily to maintain the line between reality and the nightmares his PTSD conjures up for him. Dedicated to his team and his mission, he is willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for his fellow brothers and teammates.
主演:伊内·玛丽·维尔曼 金·法尔克·约根森 麦德斯·斯加德·彼得森
语言:挪威语 / 英语
简介: 在多伏尔山的深处,被困了一千年的庞然大物苏醒了。所到之处皆已沦为废墟,而它正在迅速向挪威首都逼近。但是又该如何阻止本应只存在于挪威民间传说中之物呢?
主演:Eloise Mumford Dan Jeannotte Br
简介: Carrying on the legacy of her deceased Belgian paternal grandfather, Lucy Sweet is the master chocolatier at How Sweet It Is in the Midwestern town of Watson Corners, the store which she owns and operates with her widowed mother, Helen Sweet. In this new year, they are facing a massive rent increase, which they can only cover by increased business in what is their busy season in the lead up to Valentine's Day or risk closing altogether. In the unwitting help of Lucy's best friend Serena and their new employee Georgie, whose social media posts are increasing the shop's exposure, Lucy and Helen believe the way out of their financial predicament is the chocolate cupid, a confection which was originally only given/sold to friends and family in the legend that eating it will lead to true love for those whose hearts are open to it. Lucy had long created a wall in the shop featuring the many couples who attest to their love happening after eating the cupid, one being Helen herself and her now deceased husband, Scott Sweet. Helping or hindering that exposure is the arrival of reporter Dean Chase of Channel 55 News, who was given the assignment of covering the legend of chocolate cupid by the station's news director, Nora Nguyen. The issue with Dean is that he is renowned for his no holds barred exposés, he only given this assignment by Nora to help him show the network brass that he's not a one trick pony in being considered for a job he really wants as a news anchor for their Chicago affiliate's morning show. Dean's initial inclination is to call out the fraud that is the cupid in he truly believing it to be such, he changing his tune if only in the goal of the promotion. All this added exposure does the trick of the needed increased revenue, with the question being whether Dean is converted as he and Lucy spend time together and start to fall for each other. This item may be tested as Nora wants this extended assignment to culminate on Valentine's Day with Dean eating a cupid on camera, a long term arrangement with Lucy which may be incompatible with his professional end goal of a job in New York City. It may also test Lucy's commitment as she admits to never have eaten a cupid herself not so much in fearing love, but what comes after love, namely pain and heartbreak as witnessed by the extreme grief experienced by Helen when Scott died.—Huggo
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